
27 November, 2004

Got ill, but working still

Well got a cold recently and took a long long sleep...i sleep 6-7 hrs everyday but i slept over 14 hrs that day . Totally charge up ^^

Start to know more and more friends in JP...yeah. Gloria stunned today that I wore suit. She praised me I am quite good-looking! O yes she is one of my friends in JP. She and Philip treat me very well. They bring me here and there and chat with me during spare time. Very nice. I enjoy working there.

Stepping into Dec, All the things queue up waiting for me to do, to think and to solve. Don't ask me to rest. My rest time is working time.

18 November, 2004

工作 - 分身術

唔係話要講呀容祖兒隻歌, 係本人真係分身不暇. 一個人要一次過做四個 Task都認真係唔野少.
(1)Raymond 得閒就整個 新既user requirement 攪到我同我位師弟做到 ber 一聲~
(2)Anna 都好d...起碼同佢吹得兩咀. 但係佢d野改極都改唔完 =.="
(3)JP Morgan 有新進展...Patricia 係 呀Jay 放假之後既跟班...而我亦都有張 JP morgan temp 員工証 XD
(4)Sun Flower...哈哈...都係睇過下咁啦...跟住Oliver 做應該會幾多野玩

XML 下個禮拜要考試喇....

P.S. 同妳行大球場...講真我都無expect過. 幾好feel..為我呢幾日咁煩又咁忙既狀態鬆弛一下啦.

Happiness consists in contentment.

07 November, 2004


感覺到(同知道) 黎緊兩個月會有好多 (係好多!!) 野發生...都唔知點算好...
1. 最重要係 我將會一個人住 (都無乜所謂, 之前都係同細佬住開, 多佢一個唔多, 少佢一個唔少 =P)
2. JJ返來, 點好呢...喂要我帶你去邊度玩呀(睇怕occupy 最多時間)
3. jason 之生日...真係要去我屋企玩?...咁要執執先得
4. 呀ming 十二月返來...又話要搵地方住, 好啦住我度囉XD
5. amy 台灣之行(查實唔係好關我事) 話會買野食過我喎...聽住先啦
6. Assignments + Exam Rushing period!!!
7. Working Rushing period!
8. 仲有一件要事啦...呢個就唔係度提喇...(已經諗到頭都爆喇...)

越黎越唔鍾意十二月...由小學開始到而家每個十二月都要溫書同考試 !!!!!!!