
28 October, 2004

JP Morgan meeting

The first time been to there...oh well just get a little bit strange. The conference room is quite large...really a big company =P and i would go there to sit for sometimes later too haha...hope that i can know more people from there...I think the people working there are quite nice

um, normally my outlook (plus my appearance) gives whom not familiar with me quite young... how young? i asked a girl and she answers me to be 17. 17?!?! hahaha...she underestimates my age for less than 6 years...wow

today i got the suite, both kin kin and poki say i am good-looking =P
seems i need to have some changes of my clothing so that can reveal, at least near to my age ^^"

22 October, 2004

First time in Asia

Today went to IFC to see "Picasso's Parade". Its 16.4 m x 10.5 m that large @@"""

If you have time, go to take a look of this masterpiece.

Picasso's Parade (1917) Posted by Hello

16 October, 2004


都有一排無行過尖咀, 亦都好耐無坐過係尖咀海傍同人閒聊 lu....感覺好 特別
吹住海風, 個人諗野確實係清楚d 既

對住好朋友, 盡量將你心底裏面既唔開心講出黎啦, 咁你會舒服好多
正如9k 話, 越能夠將你既感覺講出黎, 你會越明白自己想點.

格言: 只要做得到, 我也會努力去做.

最近聽番呢隻歌, 非常之回味之餘...發覺作詞人係藍奕邦!!

舊日回憶的山丘 容祖兒

作曲:矢野真紀 作詞:藍奕邦
編曲:梁偉基 監製:王紀華/Terry Chan

你我八歲某日裡 手牽手一起歡笑
你老了我也大了 想飛始終飛不了
讓記憶只記載 風景美好過

* 就當所有痛楚 成長的經過
若我心愛的歌 明天都不再播

明白經歷太多 樂與悲我永不可操縱
讓記憶中只記最好 忘記當中所有痛

你試過記過罰企 我試過欠交功課
扭起耳朵 仍學不會將功補過
我跌過你挫敗過 放棄過放聲哭過
沒有斧頭 那麼華盛頓
永不懂勇敢的 去認錯
讓記憶只記載 花瓣再開

Repeat *

沒有起跌痛楚 成長怎麼過
若你不辭而別 留低這一個我

無論怎樣結果 避免不了箇中的差錯
讓記憶中不記太多 剩最好的經過
就算山丘不再美好 在記憶中它美好過

15 October, 2004

With Pui Yee mum Posted by Hello

14 October, 2004

The Enneagram

O...I should type chinese...so far its more expressive than english for me ... haha

你問我係乜人格?經過我分析之後我既根本型態應該係第一型...即係乜呢? 可以話係 Perfectionist(完美主義者)...或者係Reformer(改革者)...


第 一型人愛批判自己, 也愛批判別人. 他們內心擁有一張列滿應該與不應該的清單. 他們認真盡責, 希望所做的每件事都絕對正確. 他們很難為了自己而輕鬆玩樂. 因為他們以超高標準來審查自己的行為, 而且老是覺得做得還不夠. 他們是優秀的組織人才, 能夠緊追錯誤和必須完成的事項, 把任務完成.

anyway, 心理學係一個好得意既學問,好好玩
你想問我你係乜野類型既人? 等我功力再深厚d先答你啦~

01 October, 2004

Turn out to be...

Suddenly I got tones of News...Sorry I don't believe some, I misunderstood some, and I feeling happy and sad with some...
The world is changing, whether you admit that or not. I have something that's been trapping me for a couple of seasons, and now it's being resolved. Thanks to my friends to explain all the situations and consequences to make me clear.

Sometimes, Love Just Ain't Enough