
26 December, 2004

Gathering with pre-high schoolmates

What a wonderful day! Met all my schoolmates and got a long long chat with everyone. Really nice!
In the morning I played a half-day basketball match. My skills have pretty downgraded for at least 2 years not playing a baskteball game. But I enjoy playing it.
After that we all gathered at Chiu's home and play a 5-play Winning Eleven PS game.
quite nice ~

No good not to see Kuk to come...or we could have more fun.
Looking forward to the next gathering.

25 December, 2004

Christmas party

Well, know quite a number of people tonight. And I found that there are a lot of Kingsians (my high school people) too. Apart from that, I perform to be more active and try to participate more in the games
Called by MC Ada
Eat banana with Serina...hah...vomit
then play a rubber bands game with a girl (that's what gap did to me...damn)
and make crazy laugh with Apirl and poki...

o ... all to be girls haha...
Luckily not a lonely christmas ^^

Need to bring gap to talk more with girls...otherwise he cannot escape from his infinite loop

13 December, 2004


這幾天為忙份功課覺都訓得唔好, 個頭好痛.
就算係再好聽既張韶涵新歌(己怒loop 數十次)都聽唔入耳

之前為左份禮物周圍搵東搵西, 之後仲...算罷啦
做乜要咁為人設想, 自己都未攪得掂自己!!

努力, 加油! 為我的夢想繼續進發!

10 December, 2004

這一刻, 百感交集

場面有點混亂...也有點尷尬, 但你, 依然是你.
身形確實瘦了點, 但頭子還是那麼的大...哈, 叫你大頭妹也不為過.

高興, 真的很高興你有一個如此體貼的男友.
他一定會給你幸福, 放心吧!


只要對方肯為你設想, 大概已經得到天下間最大的幸福了

04 December, 2004

What's up...

A totally occupied Friday
1. Project related to Computer Associates, finished by a half day.
2. Lunch with Philip, Gloria and Christine.
3. Chips Hour at JP Morgan, got a beer to drink too.
4. Dine with Gap.
5. Wandering with Kin and Gap.
6. Bought a pair of new shoes.
7. Talked a long long phone.

What's your target, Where's your confidence? Don't be down, don't be upset. There are many things to play around. Get a better attitude.