
29 September, 2005

I cant believe I can catch the taxi

I must record this event here.

Yesterday went to China with manager and I left my mobile on the taxi. After I realized I got to chase the taxi! You cannot believe how fast I ran at that time!! I've across several streets in order to approach that taxi.... Luckily I can get my mobile back!!! Thanks God!!! Too many important information stored at the mobile !!!

23 September, 2005

My duty coming to another challenge

2nd Day start working at PCCW.
1st Time back to China entitled with it.
1st Time been to the National Enterprise of China.
1st Time to see a IT department with 200+ guys working.
1st Time to see the Afternoon sleep scenario in such large scale happens in China
1st Time to know an Exercise song announcing for the workers

nth Times Chat with you that much...

10 September, 2005

Serving me a bday dinner

Thanks guys all of you serving me the dinner. Its excellent to find all of you and chat and chat. I will serve you guys buffet later, i suppose, for my promotion.


04 September, 2005

Taking a long breathe, and again

Hard to write something here recently. Maybe too many things occupied and lazy.

Yes, last few weeks after sending 20+ letters, 10+ interviews and got several offers...I chose a job finally. "System consultant"....well yes again this is my current title. What sort of job I am going to do? hmmmm... Call centre (many people think that I go to pick up the phone call haha, of coz not!) solutions and kinda of CRM solutions. Luckily I have such experience on CRM too...thanks for SalesCat Freeman, Sam, Benson and Stephen=P

Just by chance I meet a girl. Am I cute? I dont think so but she comments on me. Called me "Nice Virgo boy"... haha have no idea on such. She says to me she meets a lot of good-looking Virgos, and may be I am one of those...anyway.

P.S. Wanna have a calm birthday. Hope my upcoming plans every success in the nearly future... My career, family, friendship and business!!